
Nissan Leaf, Nissan Motor

Want to build electric cars Nissan Leaf at the end of this year or early next year? Sure can. The problem, Nissan has started to pre-order this electric car in early April after tomorrow. The price offered was very when compared with electric cars like the Mitsubishi iMiEV.

In Japan, according to Nissan Motor, Leaf sold for ¥ 3.78 million (USD 378 million). Well, because the cars have the incentive - if the Japanese government is providing incentives in fiscal year 2010 - is estimated to Japanese consumers only have to pay ¥ 2.99 million (USD 299 million).

Quite cheap compared to compact cars. For comparison, in the UK, Mitsubishi iMiEV who also started opening price yesterday, selling for £ 38,699 (USD 530 million). According to Nissan, Leaf buyers will get a rebate incentive of up to

Nissan conduct vigorous campaigns for Leaf. before the car reached the hands of consumers in December, Nissan is preparing a comprehensive infrastructure in Japan, including after sales service.

To get Leaf, the customer enough to pay ¥ 2.4 million (Rp240 million). According to Chief Operating Officer (COO) Nissan Motor, Toshiyuki Shiga, enthusiasts can visiting Nissan dealers across Japan, the day after tomorrow.

Nissan also offers a hire purchase, with a down payment ¥ 2.4 million (installment ¥ 100,000 per month or USD 10 million. According to Nissan's including the cost of electricity costs.

He further, compared with the same class car, Nissan Leaf costs very competitive. Because the car uses only electricity is not no need lubrication. During the six years of ownership, the cost of electricity that must be paid the owner of this car i expected ¥ 86,000 Japanese. Bandiangkan with cars still use gasoline engines, ¥ 670,000 (in Japanese besin price 148 yen / liter) or only 12 percent.

However, it does not mean electric cars superior compared to all cars that use gasoline engines. Menggurangi electric car C02 emissions to 10 tons in six years. Leaf Nissan sales targets in Japan in 6000 units this year.
Charging place. In order for the commercialization of Leaf running smoothly, Nissan has prepared this car owners need later. The most important equipment just tentuu charger or battery charger. In this case charging the owner of this car done at home or at work. For that, dealers will help the installation fasiilitas charging at home every buyer Nissan Leaf.

Currently Nissan has prepared all the requirements of this electric car owners all over Japan. Among other places charge the battery with voltage 200 volts. For this, Nissan has chosen a location 2200 plus support from their 200 dealers in the negari Sunrise. Also prepared rapid charging system, battery is 80 percent in 30 minutes.

Nissan also announced, has successfully developed a rapid charger for charging half the price of existing tools today. Rapid charging, this time newly available at all Nissan dealerships in Japan.

Also planned, for every 40 km provided the charge! Thus, the electric car owners do not have to bother with an empty battery!. Stopped for a quick charge the battery, in half an hour, could no longer continue travel.

Nissan also will do this socialization electric cars all over Japan with a test drive programs, exhibitions and provide opportunities to the public for used.