
Experience the Brand with Fashion by Mercedes-Benz

None had doubts if Mercedes-Benz was the automotive company with brand very strong in Indonesia, in fact in the world. The company with the symbol of the star vehicle of three this was known as the quality vehicle high. Moreover, on the consumer's marrow, Mercedes-Benz was also known as the vehicle that really emphasised the safety.

The reputation like this just like that did not succeed in being created on the consumer's marrow. But was results of the experience more than 110 years in the production of the car that was begun by the pioneer Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz.

Moreover, Mercedes-Benz grew into one of the giant's companies with brand strongest in the world. However, sold the trade-marked product strong with the expensive price not simple. Not only the condition psikografis and the social class, but the consumer's lifestyle also held the important role to be able to in understood by the company. The lifestyle was the socio-economic situation reflection and the atmosphere of the time. Whoever could embrace him with kecerdasaan and creativity, will remain and increasingly developing factory.

Here really was seen by the strategy rebranding with fashion that was carried out by Mercedes-Benz. by yukikuncoro.wordpress.com That is, mode as a method in informing the product image and the point of view from the company to increase added value and the power sold.

Seen also commitment and consistency in Mercedes-benz in undertaking the concept experience the Brand. So as value that was created against brand Merceds-Benz can be kept strong on the marrow customer. Alhasil, Mercedes-Benz can then maintain the market or even gained the new market.